Saturday, 15 September 2012

What is the name for fans of Game of Thrones?

Fans of certain cult series have dedicated names: potter-heads love Harry Potter, trekkies or trekkers love Star Trek , twihards love Twilight (or are twice hardened). Game of Thrones is too new to have a name, which is rather curious as several forums seem to discuss it and many possible candidates have been put forth.
What will be the final name?
Will it have been proposed on a forum by some long-haired guy who lives in his parents' basement and accepted by his peers?
Will it have been picked haphazardly by a journalist for some important paper from a cursorily scribbled list?
Call me cynical, but I think the latter is what will happen.
If I were to make one up, I'd propose throne-thralls as it alliterates. Thrall is not a common word and many foreigners struggle with the th group, so it is a stupid suggestion, but I like it.
Uhm… I might troll forums and suggest it… who knows: I might be wrong!

Edit: All sites require one to register and my wish to propose a name is not that strong…

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